The great obscurian novel

I just got this email from Word Press:

I skimmed it as I usually do with their posts, just to find out if it was anything earth-shattering.

Have you seen this? It invites us to spend November writing the great American, or whatever, novel.  The challenge is to write every day and make it to 50,000 words in one month.  I guess that must be the length of a decent size novel.  I have no earthly idea.

When I read a book, whether it is fiction (which I rarely read) or non-fiction (I especially like biographies) I like it to be no less than 400 pages, with only a few pictures and small print.  I don’t want to waste my time, usually, with a cursory treatment of any subject.  That is why I used to love 1000 page masterpieces when I was reading fiction, mostly in grammar and high school.  Around the Clock by Lora Z Jackson MD

My mother was a teacher when I was small and so I learned to read by myself, somewhere around age four.  I still have the book too, entitled, Around the Clock Its Fun to Tell Time by Lora Z. Jackson, from 1937.  It belonged to my grandmother. By the time I was seven, I was reading adult level literature.  I specifically remember my mother having the O’Henry series which I read to the best of my abilities and a set of Sherlock Holmes. So by the time I got to high school, only the longest, most complex books were left to explore and I loved them.

Since I no longer read them, I am not confident that I would have talent for writing novels either. For one thing, I am not sure most people can write a novel about a subject with which they are unfamiliar. Remember in Little Women, where Professor Baer tells Jo that she should stop writing whodunnits or whatever and write about her own life, and that was the impetus for her highly successful books?  I think that probably applies to most people.

If I were to write a novel about my own experiences, my life to date, it would look like — well — this blog!  I talk all the time about things that have occurred or are happening in my own, actual life.  Why make it fiction?

So that leaves me with some other kind of novel.  Aha!  The only form that would interest me is a slightly fictionalized docudrama type saga set in the Dark Ages.  In fact, my preference would be to write about the 11th century in Byzantium.  At one point, I considered getting a degree in history, focusing on the wool trade along the Silk Route.  How’s that for obscure?  I have quite a library of books on that time period and geographic location.  If I were to do a credible job, it would have to focus on women (a subject I know fairly well, first hand, after all) but, as you may suspect, less  was left to us about women in that particular time period almost anywhere in the world, let alone the Middle East.

In fact, that is why they are called the Dark Ages.  Not because people were backward or primitive, quite the contrary and especially in Byzantium, where commerce, art, music, food, and even math and science were quite advanced, especially compared to Western Europe of Around the Clock by Lora Z Jackson MD 1the same time period.  But rather, they are referred to as being ‘dark’ because so little information is known about them. ‘Obscure’ would be better.  All the more reason for me to delve into that area and time.  As anyone who has picked a dissertation topic likely knows, the more that has been researched in a particular subject area, the greater the difficulty coming up with something original and worth studying.

So, if I were to embark upon so ambitious and presumptuous a project as a novel of value about any period in history, anywhere on earth, this would be the most interesting to me, specifically.

Commercial, is also key.  Who would read this?  Only someone with my peculiarities of mind and imagination, I am afraid.  Other than Houghton Mifflin, what publisher on earth would get excited about a wool herding heroine living in Constantinople in the year 1000?  Think about the book tour. Other than Charlie Rose and Bill Moyers, who wouldn’t I put to sleep immediately?

Still, if I were to start on this (not saying I would either, let’s be crystal clear on this), I would love to find a character like Empress Theodora, wife of Justininian I.  Rarely is there a powerful, exciting, beautiful, exotic, strong woman about whom so much is known, from that time period and place, who hasn’t been overdone.  The love story and rise to power of Theodora and Justinian would rival almost any modern action thriller.  I am surprised that the people who did Gladiator did not think of following up on it with something about this dynamic pair.  Had I the scholarship in this particular time period, as a trained historian, I think this would make a great novel and then blockbuster, with the right team doing it.

Around the Clock by Lora Z Jackson MD 2Back to me and the November writing challenge.  What amused me most is that they don’t seem to question that any one of us out here has the talent to write.  It would seem to me to be elementary that if you are not a master of your native language, to start with, with a solid knowledge not only of its grammar, structure and power, but of its history, poetry and cadence, you have little business attempting a great novel of any kind.  How many of us are sure we can write?!

What they focus on instead (am I right?) is whether you can take on the seemingly formidable task of writing 50,000 words in 30 days. Really? Is that all?  Forget about what my writing strengths or weaknesses may be in terms of the beauty, clarity, and magnetics of my prose, wordiness is no problem!  If volume were the key, the class chatterbox would be Shakespeare or J.K.Rowling!


I giggle about this to myself almost every time I sit down to write this blog.  Because, no matter the topic, I always think, ‘This will be quick, I only have a few thoughts to share’, and then before I know it, I have batted out 1500 words almost non-stop.

So, let’s unpack this here, just focusing on my little blog and hubris in thinking that I have something worth hearing and can phrase it in such a way that anyone will derive value from reading it.  In one hour, I can usually crank out said 1500 – 2000 words, set it aside until the next morning, clean it up a bit and let it speak for itself.  For good or for bad, that is the only way I can manage to post every day.  I just get my idea of the day (I don’t do these in advance) down on paper, so to speak, and let the chips fall where they may.

One of the reasons I don’t think too much about my blog as a vehicle to anything in particular is that I want to be free of goals here.  We have endpoints, expectations, and pre- and proscriptions in so many areas of our lives.  Somewhere there has to be what the Hindus call a ‘leela’, a place to play with our minds engaged but free of the constraints that come with every single other area of daily functioning.  I am sure I hear many of you who are writers, or who want to be novelists, shuddering at the thought that someone might just be putting down their unedited, unpolished thoughts impromptu, unconcerned about the path to immediate communication, tight text, vivid images.  Who was it, Edmund Wilson, ‘make each word tell’?

So many subjects capture my attention and interest, I want to be free to cover whatever is fresh for me, in the moment.  This is probably the only place where I can truly ‘be here now’ as Werner Erhard used to shrewdly advise.  Everywhere else, I plan and think and over-think and then plan some more and then fret that I have not prepared to the ‘nth degree.  Here,  Beth Byrnes is live and raw, with all her shortcomings on full display.

So, no, I will not be seizing upon the November Novel challenge, with all respect to WordPress and the many brilliant bloggers who do haveTheodora by Stephanie Thornton the right background, training and genius to do this and entertain as well as inform all the while.  Not because I can’t get the required 1,666 words down on paper every day (without perishing of hunger and sleep deprivation in the doing) but because I am better at getting that kind of material out and into the public domain when no one tells me I must.  My thoughts flow from wanting to share them, not feeling I have to transmit them flawlessly and with any reward or award, whether praise or prize.  No future fame, legacy, or real estate in history motivates me to do this.  It is simply the fun and venture into the unknown, that draws me to sit here and tell you what matters to me today — when there are a hundred other things tugging at my attention — because you are people I value and you have been good to me too.

If I get nothing more out of this experience than the future amusement of my older and wiser self looking back on all of it and saying, this was so ‘two thousand tens’ of me, just like fringe bangs and finger curls, tunics and leggings, vegan diets and xerigraphic gardening, it will have been totally worth it.

By the way, check out this great novel about Theodora that just came out this year! Dang! Had I only been a little quicker and smarter, I might have been the next Dan Brown.  Maybe I can do the Broadway musical instead.

Images: Beth Byrnes archives, Wikipedia, Amazon.


24 Comments on “The great obscurian novel”

  1. Pingback: First day post attack | alienorajt

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: First! | The Story of a Guy

  3. Pingback: Daily Prompt: First! | My Atheist Blog

  4. Pingback: First Day of School | A mom's blog

  5. If you are looking for a TRULY wonderful novel set in the historical time period of Justinian and Theodora, you should check out our local wonder-of-a-writer’s ‘Sarantine Mosaic’ (2 novels). Guy Gavriel Kay is a Torontonian writer of ‘historical speculative fiction’ (my categorization- not necessarily his). He sets his stories in extremely well-researched periods of history, but the events are happening on another world. His vision of Byzantium- from the perspective of a mosaicist is remarkable. Kay is a National Treasure (IMHO)- but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try your hand with the subject matter too…
    I can’t seem to manage to keep my posts under 1000 words either (I try, really I do), so the word count in NaNoWriMo isn’t really an issue for me. I’m participating for the first time this year to see how effective it might be as an exercise in discipline as I divide my focus (between my non-fiction blog and the fiction that I am perpetually working on).
    Great post!


    • Well, congrats on embarking on this great endeavour! I will look forward to hearing and reading more from you then.

      As for Guy Kay, yes! Thank you. I will look him up – hope this can be sent to my KFHD as that is where I have a stack of books lined up for reading :-).

      I do not plan to attempt a novel on Byzantium. It is my favourite time period though and I must have over a hundred books on it. I think others who are truly writers, especially as you describe Mr. Kay, should do that wonderful topic justice. I will look forward to reading them. 🙂


  6. Pingback: Daily Prompt: First! | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  7. Pingback: To Hear The Poem of Creation | I Didn't Just Wake Up This Morning with a Craving

  8. Pingback: The first time I met you | viver para contar

  9. Pingback: My very first day | Processing the life

  10. Pingback: [Round Two O.C.T.O.B.E.R XXX] TBT pre-empt: “First!” | noah121weiss

  11. They do a lot of these – my husband did one where you composed an entire album in a month. They do a poem a month thing I think in March? I dunno. I never commit to these things. I don’t like being given rules or deadlines when it comes to my creativity. Flickr does a lot of 365’s, where you post a photo a day, but there are always weird rules around it, like the photo HAS to be taken that day for it to be valid. That sort of stuff kinda irritates me and prevents me from joining in.


    • It probably works well for people who are stuck (who knows, I might get stuck sometime too) or who want to accomplish a specific goal. I am just not in the latter category here. Good heaven, though, your husband is a composer? Wow, that is something I so admire. I have no idea how one writes a song. As for Flickr, I tried one Flickr Friday – a bird thing. I didn’t pay attention to the fact that it had to be a bird you captured after the posted the theme. Mine was from the day before so they rejected it. It was my best bird photo, too. Not for me. I am not going to run out and take pictures on demand. 🙂


      • I get the spirit of that, but I have to admit it irks the hell out of me to be that specific! I took an awesome face-down shot that got rejected because I didn’t take it on TUESDAY. How does that make it not an awesome photo? Ugh, I just balk against rules of all kinds, I think.


  12. Pingback: Moving on up and moving on out | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

  13. Pingback: Angry Birds and the Mists of Memory | Rob's Surf Report

  14. Pingback: The First Time I Participated in the WordPress Daily Prompt | Cheri Speak

  15. Pingback: Daily Post…First | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

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